Saturday, March 10, 2012

What is the difference between working for a big and a small management consulting firm?

Hi. I have just got a job offer from a small growing management consulting firm based in NYC. The job is very interesting and very "hands on", and money is pretty good as well ( better then top 10 competitor's average).

There is just one problem: the company is not famous.

In 2/3 years what will be the difference between me and my collegues working in McKinsey?

Thank youWhat is the difference between working for a big and a small management consulting firm?
It is the same as working with big box retailers or working small shop retailers and using that as experience. It's going to be how you utilize that experience.

Go big or go home. Obviously going big will get your name out there and eventually get you more money. But there is less respect in a larger workplace such as that. There is more of a chance of being lost in the crowd. There is more obstacles. There is less of a chance of changing things that have already been established. However, big money, big name!

Go small, get recognized. Establishing a smaller firm could be the best opportunity you could ever receive. There are many ways to think positive in this case. More potential, better chance of changing things that you see better, less competition, and better chance of getting your name on something if the company has a big boom and succeeds.

There are both pros and cons for each opportunity. It's going to be how you approach them and utilize them to your advantage. If you take the smaller, the next question should be, "What can I change or implement to make my name stick out in the big bad world of competitors?" Good luck!

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